NIRSA Members lead flag football clinics in Europe
Successful clinics held on US Army bases in Germany and Italy
Participants of the flag football clinic in Schwetzingen, Germany. Kurt Klier is in the back row, far left, and Chris Schmidt is in the back row, far right.
Following a long NIRSA tradition, Region I Vice President Kurt Klier (University of Maryland) and fellow NIRSA Member Chris Schmidt (Providence College) led flag football clinics on two US Army bases in Europe this summer.
The first clinic was held July 24-28 in Schwetzingen, Germany for the Installation Management Command for the US Army-Europe. The following week, the pair taught another class for the same department in Vicenza, Italy.
Klier is proud of the clinic’s reputation. “This was my second time doing this clinic, but NIRSA Members have been doing this for at least 15 years,” he explained. “Steve Rey from Western Kentucky University was one of the first NIRSA Members to conduct this clinic. If it were not for Steve, we would never have been involved in these clinics. Also, Bruce Maurer from The Ohio State University and Dave Gaskins from East Carolina University have made this trip and represented NIRSA. Steve, Bruce and Dave have played a large part in the success of this clinic.”
The clinics, which contained information on rules and mechanics and included a four-game tournament, were extremely well received.
“Students attending gave the clinic the highest marks in the course evaluation ratings. Student attendees can now return and officiate and provide training to others,” said Tom Hlavacek, Training Instructor at Schwetzingen.
“Clinicians Kurt Klier and Chris Schmidt performed an excellent clinic for our organization, and we look forward to their service in the future,” said Ricky Jackson of the Vicenza base.